Letting go isn't for us. I wouldn't dream of it. I wouldn't want him to even consider letting me slip from his finger tips...
I know he deserves the best... so I'll give him that and strive to always be the best me not just for me.. but for him... for us.
I'll trust that he'll see the best in me even when I stumble and fall off. I'll trust that he'll always love me the way he does now if not more...
Look, I love him so much I'm crying. Maybe I'm just a bit emotional... but really now.
Sitting here and missing his presence is hard at times. It's hard when I allow myself to feel his absence. It's easy when I remember that he's out there giving it his all.
I cry with a smile on my face thinking of him. I can see his smile if I close my eyes...
I feel his love even as I sit here, and he's miles away
Oh gosh...
I think of all that he's given me and how no one could possibly understand. I scoff at anyone who throws digs at our love. They really are ignorant, and I have no time for anyone who doesn't understand.
They don't need to. This is ours, not theirs.
I don't need to surround us with any negativity or mocking, because I hope it's a given by now... I want us as a package now until the last...
I want to fill my phone with pictures of him the same way he's already been splattered across my life. I swear he's not ready for that. A year from now he's going to go through my phone and wonder when that happened, but it will happen... and I can't wait. I can't wait to have pictures of us in my room if only to look at until I see him again.
I want to insert him into every corner of my life in the way his touch has sent electric shocks through my senses...
I can't explain it, but it's everything...
I crave his hand at the small of my back. I crave his hands holding my head with his soft lips on mine. I crave the way he kisses my forehead, neck, cheeks, all of me... I just crave it all... the peppering of kisses that make my toes curl. I crave the frustration and focus on his face that brings me to giggles. I even crave his little snores at night.
I crave the way he so easily and peacefully falls asleep on me.
I crave the way he looks at me.
I don't know why it makes me cry, but I guess it's just so much...
Have you ever been so happy with someone that it brings you to tears? No? Yes?
Well I am.

All that he is is all that I'll ever need. Everything that he is is amazing, and I see him growing each day.
Suddenly sleeping with his touch is what I crave all night, even as my eyes flutter shut.
I want to run my fingers along his lips, jaw, nose, collar bone... I want to know every line of him. I never want to let go. I want him to hold me against the gust of wind that will try to make us fall.
I want to leave the trail of our memories everywhere...
It's crazy to think we didn't start this race together, but I want him to be the last one standing with me. He's the one I want to turn to in the dark and in the brightest of days...
Every bit of his being calls to me, and I've never wanted to hold anyone closer than him... Every line of communication with him is something I cherish to a completely different extent. The calls, the texts, the voice mails, the tiny notes, the emails... The whispers at 2 in the morning... where I hope he's not asleep and just telling me what his heart yearns to scream... All of that is everything that makes my heart skip a beat.
He's not this perfect prince charming that could do no wrong. Don't get me wrong... He's basically not constructed. To me, though, he's perfect. He's perfect in the sense that he's for me. He's human, He's raw. He's carefully carried his heart on the sleeve his tucked away so defensively... He's made his share of mistakes and is still learning, but he loves me with an intensity that no one else could fathom... He makes me a better version of the girl I've been...
People around me have no idea of what this man is truly capable of when it comes to loving me or even to just being himself... but it feels like the two have intertwined, now, into the same man. I hope they accept that he's engraved in my heart in that same way, because I want him to be the last one standing. I want to push him to be the best he can be. I want to be there for the falls with my hands to pull him up, I want to be there for the laughs and the tears... I want to be there for all of it.
I want him to be the one holding me when I choke on sobs. I want him to be the one telling me ridiculous jokes that make me laugh.
I want him to be the one I tell about my day with friends and tell my fears to. I want him to be the father of my kids, someday.
It's scary to know someone has you completely, but it isn't in the sense that I trust him. I'm in love with him, and I would never let him go...

He loves me and my embarrassing moments, though. I'll give him that.
Still, I wonder what goes on in his head and heart. I wonder if I understand the impact I've made on him, because I don't know if he knows what he's done to me...
All in all, we're great for each other. Like I said, I'm in love with this man, and I hope he's brave enough to stick out a life time with me. There's nothing I'd love more...