Thank you. Thank you for being that person I can laugh with
until it hurts. You’ve seen me after just rolling out of bed and throwing
sweats on. You’ve sat in a dreadful class with me during my sweats week and
skipped classes for Sephora trips. You’ve seen my hair go through every change
and were there when I freaked out after chopping it off. I remember you telling
me you’d get me a weave if it would make me feel better. You’d bring me
calzones to cheer me up.
We both knew I just needed to let my hair heal, though, but
the calzones were appreciated lol. Yet you were so shocked to see my hair be
short. I think we all sorta freaked out…
We haven’t known each other for a lifetime, but you’ve given
me a friendship of a lifetime

I’ve stuck my head out of the window and followed that by
sitting on the open window letting the wind lick me up while you laugh.
You’ve never seen me cry just struggle. You saw it that one
day while I sat on the floor completely defeated. You and I both knew I wasn’t
broken, though. I was tired, and you never told me how to fix it. You never
tried to fix me, but I never needed that from you. You just let me be and
figure it out, because you’ve always known I do. You never doubt me...
You’re one of the only friends who doesn’t oogle over me. We
don’t hug or any of that… not really. You’ll be the victim I drag to workouts
only to drag you to eat shrimp right after, though.
You’ve given up so much, but you give me more than most
friends ever have. There’s this blind support you offer me, where you believe
in me.
We sit across from each other laughing and eating wings.
There’s that ongoing joke about us talking smack, but it’s really you looking
at me with proud eyes. You’re one of the people who looks at me so content like
having me in your life has added some sort of color.
Even then…. You’ll be the first to tell me if I’ve fucked
up. It’s completely rare, and I think it’s only happened once or twice; that’s
it, though, you don’t overreact about me. Your instinct isn’t to suffocate me
but to watch me pull through.
I love that. I love that you root for me.
I actually low key love when you send me fire emojis or a
collection of wows to compliment me.
I can have insane amounts of fun with you but also just be calm. I'm at ease with you... I don't have to be on guard ready to defend myself. I don't have to prove anything... You never make me feel like I do.
You’ve seen plenty of sides to me. You’ve seen me get physically sick the moment I did something that was just not me. We won’t talk about that lol. It’s funny, though, I guesssss. Haha
You’ve seen me go on cruise control, be a firecracker, be
serious, studious, closed off, an open book, upset…
I’ve shared so many sides of myself with you and admitted to
so many emotions. I’ve let you see me at the edge of anger. You’ve seen me
fuelled by anger… something that isn’t my forte… but you’ve seen it.
You’ve seen me see red and the recipe that provides, but
you’ve also understood and seen the root of my core and how vulnerable I am.
How strong it makes me. I’m naturally happy, and you know that more than the
average person.
You never tell me I’m giving too much… actually you rarely
do. You only mention it if you feel I’ve lost sight of reality. Overall, you
don’t ever act as if I’m a walking liability.
Being your friend has never been hard. We know each other’s
buttons, but we wouldn’t dare press them. I guess that’s one thing that you
solidified in me; the ability to drop people and not care.
I have no business in nurturing toxicity… You taught me that
was okay; admitting that isn’t bad.
We don’t have to talk all the time, but when we do have
those six months of nonstop… I could do it without a break.
I guess our friendship is the way our workouts have always been, huh? We start side to side, and before you take a breath I’m already in the front racing like there’s no tomorrow. I’ll go until my body can’t go anymore, and you’ll high five me with every circle I do around you. You’ll watch me take off full speed and never crash until I’m done, and everything rushes my body. You just remind me that I’m capable of more.
I’ve never felt pressure from your part. I’ve pressured
myself, and you’ll be that little voice helping keep me sane.
You cool down the wild fires in me and throw gasoline in the
fires that ignite my bones. I always wondered how it is seeing me through your
eyes. You watched from an outsider’s view until you were inside. Was I what you
expected? I know you hold me so dear. Our friendship is something so special to
me, you know… You’ve just never tried to cage me in.
It’s as if any scar you saw didn’t have to be questioned. You just accept me. Idk… being my friend was never a burden to you. You’d be there to help in any situation. I can’t help smile at all the things we’ve done together. You’re amazing. I don’t say this enough to you, but you mean so much to me. I hope you know I’ll always have an extended hand out for you. You say the word, and I’m here to pull you up (if the time comes) just like I pushed you through those workouts… You can latch onto me, and I’ll do the pull up for both of us.
“I don’t need to tell you that you’re wrong or what to do.
You’re smart and know what you’re doing. You always figured it out either way.
I just want to see how you pull this one off.”
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