Thursday, April 20, 2017


The beauty of history is that it's everywhere. It's in books, in clothing items, in scars, in the fibers within you.

I think about it, you know... The past. At least I'm thinking about it right now as I go through a drawer full of dresses I could only dream of fitting into now.

That's the thing... We all have demons that we try to drown but just learn to swim alongside...

That's life, though. We beat them for so long and sometimes feel them catch up.

I would be lying if I said that mine haven't crept up, but I'd be damned if I uttered that out loud. The point is to stay strong, right? It's to not let the self doubt and insecurities become louder.

It's to succeed despite the environment you're in.

That's what I learned from Colton, at least. All those years ago. Five years ago, right? Or was it four?

He taught me to see beauty in myself when it was much more evident, but it stuck with me. See most girls like to act like every single ex they've dated is complete shit. I'm the first to say that that isn't true. I've dated some types of guys (lol) who I clearly drifted from, and there were also some great guys.

There were guys like Alex (before Alex)... yeah how confusing, right? I mean I didn't date all of these guys but definitely bonded with them... Anyways, Alex was great in the sense that he was the first guy who I REALLY liked and never dated. We were those little kids who grew up together, but he was always a little older. He was the guy who I'd climb up into tree houses with and would give me his bomber jacket to wear at night. He'd hang up pinatas when I was mad and gave me a stick, telling me to let it out. He was the guy who would hold my waist and make sure I didn't fall off a skateboard. We'd watch weird movies together and overall it was great.

Then there was Alex, the first boyfriend, who would wait for me to get out of volleyball practice and wrote me shitty but great songs with his little band. He'd write me love letters and decorate my locker. We'd dare each other to do silly things and the way things ended didn't make him justice. He made me laugh until my stomach hurt sometimes and knew my favorite snacks. I'd run across the quad and jump into his arms. I was so tiny, and he was a giant beside me.

There was Justin who got the frantic me and brought me back from the frenzy, all the way. He got the me with doc martens and little skirts. He got the me with the little shorts and inappropriate shirts. He got the me who had been far too scarred, but he never took advantage of it. We would hang out with Peter and July and listen to all of our favorite songs. We'd all get on stickam and Peter would serenade us all. Justin would try to play with my hair while I played with July's and always managed to knot it lol. We had the most fun with firecrackers and no one wrote as beautifully about me as he did. He'd draw me and take pictures all the time. I was his muse in so many ways... He taught me how to get down and dirty for a picture lol. He would help me with my spikes. He'd write beautiful songs and struggle to tell me his feelings. Eventually it just wasn't enough... I think he was the closest to the two worlds of being a friend and boyfriend. He was the best mix up until then, and I think it was bound to happen. We started as friends, and we would end the same.

There was Mason who kissed me too soon after a break up. He was a firecracker. He was wild, but he liked me so much, and I couldn't see why. We did a play together. He'd make me laugh all the time, and I remembered how fun it was to like someone without all of the insane drama.

There was Urik who loved me to the end of the universe. He was always just a friend, but I had a strong love for him. It just was never what he wished it was. He would have done anything for me, and he did. He took care of me and made sure I got to go to Disney for a birthday. It didn't matter that my current boyfriend would be there, because he just wanted me to be happy. He was so selfless and made sure everyone was kind to me. He never made me feel bad for failing to reciprocate his feelings. I felt safe around him. He wasn't like the others who would try and grab at me. He genuinely wanted the best for me, and he sure pissed my boyfriend off... There was an ironic difference between the two...

There was Alex B who I'd find a comrade in. There's no words to explain this one other than the best friend I wish I could have had in a girl. I had a strong love for him. I'd draw on his mirror and take his shirts. We'd all play video games and pile into one car ready to take on the world. I had many conversations with him that shaped me. We'd be looking up a the stars or sitting across each other in the jacuzzi, and he'd try to tip toe around the issues he knew I had. I remember him holding my hair while I threw up. There was a fear in his eyes, and he took care of me in a way only a brother knew how. He saw more of the ugly sides of my demons than any of our friends. Somehow he still managed to love me like the sister I felt I was to him.

Second to last, is Colton. He was the first guy I actually saw after high school. Summer of 2012 we went wild. Not really... but I found myself with him. He was a great guy. He was smart. He was all the qualities a mom would want for her daughter. He got me to dance again. We had a great time, while it lasted... It didn't work out, though, and it wasn't on him. We had a great time, and he showed me the stars, but it was short lived... I enjoyed it but knew he wasn't it. The electricity wasn't there.... I didn't know slot theory yet, though, and I wouldn't understand why it wasn't enough UNTIL then.

Before there was Jacques there was Ash.

Ash was the card that everyone was waiting for, right? I think he was the guy people would expect I'd end up with, and he certainly awakened sides of me I'd try to shut down. It wasn't all there, but he did remind me that every demon I had lived with wasn't me. I got to run around streets with him and see the behind it all. There was always an adventure to go on, but sometimes I wanted to just be... and I didn't find myself building anything with him because of that. I learned too much and knew I didn't want this. I got to witness memories become immortalized, and I supported him to no end. There's just times that someone's values don't fully match up... not the ones that should, at least. I do think there was a time I thought I could... that I would. He took me out of my comfort zone... I did share things with him that I haven't so readily shared with others... but I had to have a full disclosure with him... which is why I think I felt like I could. I told him about mistakes I'd made... trusting people. I told him about vulnerabilities. He understood, though, or at least made it seem that way. I was scared to share anything again before him. It taught me that sometimes you have to share things that aren't comfortable to... at least when you want to build something with someone. There's a point where you have to intertwine for things to work...

That's when Jacques popped into the picture... He came later on... and he's someone who I never want to put in a post about the past... I don't have the words that do him justice... I don't have words to do our love justice...

I'll leave THAT at that


The point of this post is what? I don't know. I guess it's about how not every ex or guy you know is a dick. Point blank...

I think we're accounts of gathered experiences... we're pieces of the people we've met, and these guys have definitely taken and given me what has come to help shape me.

There's this misconception with me... that I'm able to say sweet things about anyone even assholes. Maybe that's true to an extent, but I'm not blind. Everyone has good in them, but they also have bad sides. I'm not that foolish. Sure, I have a habit to see the best, but I think we all focus on the bad too easily... Both sides are part of the mix.

My point, I guess, is that it's easy for some of you, who know me, to say that I've never known a good guy for the life of me...

There have been plenty of guys in my life who have been nothing short of great, including my brother and father.

Sure... they don't get the credit they deserve. Everyone is too busy pointing out the guys who wronged me or took something, but I'm here to say that even those guys are good... or will be.

That's the thing, I'm not my mistakes, and they aren't either. We all go through a rollercoaster where we hit our lowest, but that doesn't mean that's who we will remain.

I'm not at my worst, and I hope to never revisit that point in my life. If it happens, though, it won't mean I stay there.

We all grow, we all change.

I went from being a strong confident girl to a torn girl back up and down. I've been friends with people who weren't the best for me, and I've kissed the devil himself. We've all danced with death to some extent, and it's all been part of who we've become. I've felt shame and embarrassment. I've felt guilt and pity.

We're all human... it's all a part of it, right?

I had a conversation that made me uncomfortable for a second last night, and I didn't let my voice show it, but it made me think about this...

You see I've made the mistakes and choices of taking pictures that I sent to someone as well as pictures being taken of me. Long story short, there were consequences.

I found myself sharing this with a guy and sharing how I felt it had stumped my sexuality. It put fear in me, and I remember him making me feel comfortable. I remember choosing to do it. I think that's why I did what I did. I had grown close to this guy. I'd seen sides of him, and he had seen some of me.

He told me to own my sexuality. That's when it happened. I grabbed the lace and changed into it. I didn't think, or I did. I can't say what I was thinking or feeling other than my stomach dropping. One thing led to another. Next thing I know I'm giving this guy a lap dance, and I remember it so clearly.

I remember seeing a camera, and that was the end of that.

So what IS the point of this?

I don't know. I think we all make choices that we feel ashamed of or don't. We make choices or do things that we feel we can't talk about... why? Cause I'm a girl? Cause if I talk about it I'm a slut or whore? I don't know. If I break the illusion that every guy in my life ISN'T a fuck boy then I must be the problem, right?

I don't know. Everything is scarier in the dark, though. Everything is worse before you say it. So yeah... I have work in an hour, and I'm not sure why I'm putting this up other than the fact that I've always been afraid of what people think or say. That's how we're raise to feel, and I've thought about it...

We can't change the past or the choices we've made... and I did think about it. Yeah, my parents might not like to hear these things, but the end result is me now.

I'm not perfect, but I'm pretty great. So I'm here to say that you're pretty great, too. You were shaped by the not so great people and experiences in your life, sure, but you were also shaped by the better people and experiences.

We're all complex recipes, and we could be gross... but I promise you you're delicious. I don't know... (I say that a lot for someone who can't stop talking)

Anyways, life is hard, and it gets harder. You'll forget about how it used to be and get stronger. Sure, sometimes you will have bad days... but you've got this. We've all got this.

That's all I do know...

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