Saturday, August 8, 2015

GIRLS: Is It Really Worth The Watch?

It's August, but I'm still lurking on my HBO app at all times of the day... hoping it'll make Game Of Thrones come back sooner.

Alas, I've just been left to wonder... is he? No no no. I need to know... I should probably read the books, but don't they leave off where this last season did? Time machines! Someone build one quick! I need a new season of Game of Thrones NOW!

Anyways, I found myself watching Girls. I've finally strapped myself down and gotten through it all; leaving me all caught up.

Now, let me tell you something... the hardest part with HBO's Girls was getting through the first few episodes.

My brother-in-law had recommended the show to me a few years back. I didn't give it much thought, because I felt it was the "new Sex And The City." I never really got into that show. I mean E! always has reruns, so I've watched a few episodes, and the one movie where Big gets cold feet and yada yada. I could see the appeal, but it feels like something of another time... Maybe I just related to Hocus Pocus more than Carrie. Then again I enjoyed the prequel on the CW.... so who knows. The point is I remembered my BIL saying I reminded him of one of the characters, when he mentioned Girls (AGAIN). I swear he wanted me to watch it, and he spiked my interest that way. I secretly hoped he was thinking of Marnie (Allison Williams). I had just seen some good material involving her on tumblr, and it's human nature. I mean I wasn't going to want someone to say the "druggie" reminded them of me.

Enough of that, I basically didn't know anything about this show other than the occasional gif on tumblr and the fact that people called it this revolutionary show like the likes of "Sex And The City," which evoked eye rolls from me. The first two times I tried getting into Girls... I dropped it. Summer of 2015 seemed to be the time, though, because I got through it. Let me tell you something, you NEED to get through it. It helps if you have endless amounts of food, as with any tv show binge/marathon.

I do feel like it's a show that deals with things that may seem insignificant to many, but they need to be addressed. It isn't anything that would be revolutionary, but it's raw in all the right ways. The girls don't have to be just one shade or follow this prestige idea of what a lady is; you see these girls go through that journey of life, and it's a good watch.

Here are some of my favorite gifs/screenshots summarizing all that Girls is

And lastly, the classic tumblr gif we've all seen at least once a week...

Fun Fact: My brother-in-law and I had lunch recently with the family. I told him I had finished watching Girls and was able to name all the characters. That's when he was able to tell me who I reminded him of, aka Shosh. I was pleasantly surprised, because while she was a character I didn't think I would relate to, I really adored her by the end. I could see the resemblance in our energy. I have that rambling characteristic, and I love that she grows from lost puppy to this strong young lady, so that was awesome to be connected to. It was better than being told I reminded them of the obvious beauty. It felt as if someone acknowledged something else in me other than how I looked, and I loved that.

So if you haven't figured it out, it IS MOST DEFINITELY worth the watch. I'm a sucker for shows. I'm still not over Gossip Girl or One Tree Hill btw. Maybe it's time I revisited them on Netflix? :P


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